Marifel Barbasa musings of a lifelong learner

Course History

This page contains a list of courses or programs that I am currently enrolled in, have completed, or plan to take at some point in my career. The checkmark indicates that I have received a certificate for completing the course or program.

Table of Contents

Machine Learning

Deep Learning

Natural Language Processing

Reinforcement Learning

Artificial Intelligence

Programming Languages/Tools

Machine Learning

MITx MicroMasters in Statistics and Data Science

Statistical Learning

Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree ✓

Deep Learning

Deep Learning Specialization

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing Nanodegree ✓

Reinforcement Learning

Deep Reinforcement Learning Nanodegree ✓

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Nanodegree ✓

Programming Languages/Tools

iOS & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp ✓

Go: The Complete Developer’s Guide (Golang) ✓