Course History
This page contains a list of courses or programs that I am currently enrolled in, have completed, or plan to take at some point in my career. The checkmark indicates that I have received a certificate for completing the course or program.
Table of Contents
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Natural Language Processing
Reinforcement Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Programming Languages/Tools
Machine Learning
MITx MicroMasters in Statistics and Data Science
- Institution: MIT
- Platform: edX
- Status: Completed 3 of 4 courses (2 with certifications); decided not to continue to full certification (which involves a capstone exam)
- Enrollment: Paid $1350
- Links: MicroMasters
Statistical Learning
- Institution: Stanford
- Platform: Stanford Online
- Status: Partially Completed
- Enrollment: Free
- Links: Course
Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree ✓
- Institution: Udacity
- Platform: Udacity
- Date Completed: August 31, 2018
- Enrollment: Paid $999
- Links: Nanodegree, Certificate
Deep Learning
Deep Learning Specialization
- Institution:
- Platform: Coursera
- Status: Partially Completed
- Enrollment: Auditing
- Links: Courses
Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Processing Nanodegree ✓
- Institution: Udacity
- Platform: Udacity
- Date Completed: September 14, 2018
- Enrollment: Paid $999
- Links: Nanodegree, Certificate
Reinforcement Learning
Deep Reinforcement Learning Nanodegree ✓
- Institution: Udacity
- Platform: Udacity
- Date Completed: November 25, 2018
- Enrollment: Paid $999
- Links: Nanodegree, Certificate
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence Nanodegree ✓
- Institution: Udacity
- Platform: Udacity
- Date Completed: July 19, 2018
- Enrollment: Paid $800
- Links: Nanodegree, Certificate
iOS & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp ✓
- Institution: Udemy
- Platform: Udemy
- Date Completed: July 8, 2021
- Enrollment: Paid $10 to $20
- Links: Certificate
Go: The Complete Developer’s Guide (Golang) ✓
- Institution: Udemy
- Platform: Udemy
- Date Completed: January 6, 2021
- Enrollment: Paid $10 to $20
- Links: Certificate